Titan Quest: Eternal Embers Burns
Eternal Embers is best summed up by being a weird gem.
Eternal Embers is best summed up by being a weird gem.
There’s something about being stuck at home for a year that can hone one’s psyche in the areas of life that delivers unfettered enjoyment. I won’t attempt to bore you […]
If you believe the Internet, we’re firmly in the Year of the Metal Rat. Few things are looking more metal right now than Doom Eternal, a game I’m ridiculously interested […]
I never thought I’d dramatically reduce the amount I play video games in my life. It’s been my go-to for everything from general entertainment to stress relief and escapism for […]
Once upon a time, Xbox and Steam was the go to home for a myriad of independent games. The quality varied almost as much as the genres, mash ups and […]
I’m like many of you. I put my pants on one leg at a time, eat far too many potato chips and spend copious amounts of time in digital universes. […]
In what feels like a lifetime ago I read an article on The Escapist or in Kill Screen that detailed an intriguing bit of video game history. It regaled how […]
Combat points, I see them. I see them everywhere. In my dreams, on my screen. My daughter stops counting at four. I’ve two kids, raised by two parents. Four again. […]
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