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Yeah, I know — Allods has been around for long enough that most of us just assumed it had launched during that time. I mean, how long does a beta really need to last? The guys at Gala-Net Europe have even released three volumes of new content and the darn thing still hasn’t launched! What gives? Allods Online is a labor of love, and it’s become clear to see by the game’s impressive evolution during beta. Now, this free-to-play title has just as much to offer as a triple-A P2P MMO, rendered in vivid and stunning (yet stylized) graphics.
Allods Online is set to launch on May 11th, 2011, and loyal testers are being rewarded for their hard work. Players who have reached level 30 during the course of the beta will receive a “visually stunning Halo buff”. Moreover, players (level 35 or above) who log in any time between April and May 11th will receive am extra shoulder reward.
Click past the cut to learn more about Volume 4…
Allods will launch with the release of Volume 4: Astral Odyssey, which raises the level cap to 47 and introduces two new zones, the first of which, Kirah, is seeped with lore:
“A century ago, the tiny allod of Kirah was rich with the meteorite needed to transverse the vast Astral. Hungry for advantage in their ongoing war against the Empire, the League army invaded Kirah, hoping to claim its resources as their own. The Empire, however, put up a bitter fight, and after a night of fierce fighting, dawn rose on a bloody battlefield with many dead on both sides. It was then, when both great armies were at their weakest, that tragedy struck. The Astral itself seemed to tear open and begin devouring Kirah. Demons flooded from the tear and destroyed entire armadas of fleeing ships. When all was said and done, Kirah had been destroyed and a scant handful of survivors limped towards their home cities.”
Gala-Net plans to periodically leak new information as the May 11th, date approaches, so drop by the official site to stay in the know.