Following hot on the trail of its European launch, Black Prophecy is being prepared for a big North American debut with an exciting Closed Beta event. Gamigo, the prophets behind this new space-combat MMO, experienced great success in Europe and intend to make the same impact across the Atlantic.
The focus of this CBT is to optimize the North American server infrastructure while keeping an eye on software balance. Players can expect beta keys very soon, so keep checking back in the coming weeks for a chance to join in the fray! If you’re intrigued by EvE Online, but are disheartened by the technical intricacy of CCP’s flagship title, Black Prophecy may be just what you’re looking for.
Check out the official site for more details and jump past the cut for some of the game’s more prominent features…
Features at a glance:
- State-of-the-art graphics
- Open world maps
- Real-time combat
- Exciting PvP battles
- Enthralling backstory
- Modular ship design
- Numerous community features
- Earn awards and medals
- Craft your own ship components
- Master the tactics of battle
- Explore clan stations
is there any information as to when open beta will start for Black Prophecy?