I recently had a chance to tryout this new MMORTS game from Lockpick Entertainmen, my first ever MMORTS game. While I didn’t get very far yet, I have to say that I was pleasantly suprised with how the game plays.
It’s starts out with you selecting one of 3 races and as any game you’ve ever played they all have their strong and weak points. Once you pick your race the game starts with you controlling your Dreadlord, which is a huge energy being. You are then given missions to complete and once you have, you successfully take control of that region. The game is broken up into PvE and PvP zones, zones are floating islands that are broken down into smaller regions that players fight for control over. When you start out, you are in the PvE zone and as you move from region to region and complete the missions you take control of the zone and receive a reward/resources for each region you capture.
Like any RTS you not only control your Dreadlord but also other troops that you can train and upgrade. You have your own towns and cities that provide resources for you. Since this is a MMORTS, there is a set amount of land to fight over between players and eventually the game comes to an end and resets, allowing everyone to start over. From what I’ve been told this happens every 2 months. You might not like losing all your progress, but it gives players who didn’t do very well a new chance every few months. I’m not sure if anyone has ever played a text MMO, but many also work by rounds which I sorta like.
Once I get more into the game, I’ll come back with a full review, but for now you should check it out at dreamlords.com. It just launched a few days ago and is completely free to play.