When Electronic Arts took the stage at E3, we knew big things were coming. And man, were we right. Take a look at this beauty of a trailer for Star Wars: The Old Republic, from Blur Studio, just released live at the show, and now making its quick way around the internet.
You can watch the trailer at Origin, EA’s online store, but thanks to video cameras at the show, we also can show you directly from here. Take a look:
We also have a new opening cinematic, entitled “Return.” Excitement! Click through for that and several more SW:TOR– and Mass Effect 3-themed videos.
And, finally on the SW:TOR circuit, we also have a producer’s insight video released by EA alongside the event.
And, although it’s not an MMO, I’m pretty sure we have lots of Mass Effect fans here, too — so check out a couple more videos below from Mass Effect 3: Fall of Earth. First up, we have another brand new trailer, followed by another producer’s insight video. Enjoy!
How is it that the opening cinematic for SW:TOR was better than all three prequels put together? If Lucas is planning on any more Star Wars movies, they need EA and BioWare to do them!!!