Fallout Online: Armageddon Rag Issue #4 Hits Our Doorstep

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This weekend, MMOCrunch was lucky enough to receive another issue of The Armageddon Rag. The fourth installation of the Fallout Online newsletter brings us the tale of a young man who finds himself in the caught between beasts and raiders in the wasteland. Also on the tab is a quirky merchant listing for Crazy Ivan’s New and Used Guns, which boasts “more guns than Canada!”. I’ll be stopping by to get 10% off my next Chemblaster 3000, no doubt.

Finishing up the newsletter is the latest article chronicling the travels of an “unwanted correspondent”. The writers of the Rag are quick to remind us: “We’re not saying how we got this. Or where we got this. Or anything. And we’d appreciate notice if someone thinks Les is coming to ask us about it.”

Check out the full newsletter if you’d like the latest wasteland scoop!