Gates of Andaron Update Announced – Rise of Gor

Gameforge today announced a new update to their long running MMORPG Gates of Andaron titled Rise of Gor, which is due sometime in September.  The Rise of Gor update will introduce browser-based gameplay using the Kalydo browser plug-in, a new third warring faction, and a new mentoring system within the relaunched community site for newbies.

The kingdom of ‘Gor’ emerges as the third new faction in the war between the Valorian and Derion. At level 80, players of the new faction can enter large PvP battles, tipping the balance of power between the two old factions.  Additionally, opposing forces can now hold negotiations for war and peace in large areas and another layer of strategy to PvP combat.

New players now begin their adventures in Tebekut, which has been completely recreated. In order to make it easier for players to get into the game, a mentor system has also been introduces where veteran players can accompany new players and offer then assistance.  As a reward, they will receive a payout when the new player reaches level 90.

For more information about the Rise of Gor update, head over to the Gates of Andaron website.