Sandstorm, the non-programmer name for patch v1.3, is in the midst of being deployed to servers right now (WTF?! An MMOG getting a patch on a non-Tuesday?! BLASPHEMY!). The patch is nothing short of a dozy. Global Agenda servers are expected to remain down until 6:00 PM EST. Judging by other patches of this magnitude for any MMOG, this means that the game should be playable sometime tomorrow.
Kidding aside, Sandstorm is going to have a massive impact on the game. Even though Hi-Rez Studios is only deploying Phase 1 of Sandstorm, nothing will be the same. Not PvP, not PvE, guilds, AvA, Dome City, the economy or crafting. Phase 1 of Sandstorm is a game changer, to say the least.
Sandstorm Phase 1 includes:
- 30 new weapons
- Grand Openings of new Dome City vendors
- New loot, token and weapon systems, including the removal of device points, a reduction in crafting dependency and daily token limits.
- New PvP maps
- More PvE opportunities
I was actually penning an article on aspects of GA that Hi-Rez Studios needs to address last week. I decided to hold off until Sandstorm. I’d hate to waste all those pretty words, but I wouldn’t mind wiping the post from existence if Phase 1 eradicates all the bullet points.
Check out our first impressions of Sandstorm, the patch notes and the official trailer that highlights the new epic weapons.
Enjoy PvP but haven’t tried out Global Agenda yet? Grab the free trial and jump in! Like many other MMOGs, the game has dramatically changed since it’s release just over five months ago. It’s worth a look (or a second look).
I’m not sure if I like the increase of stat based items. I hope they are able to balance skill VS gear.