Guild Wars 2 Pre-Orders now Open

Starting today, Guild Wars 2 is available to pre-order. You can order your digital copy straight from ArenaNet, or if you prefer to have a physical copy of the game and live in North America, you can purchase it from Gamestop or Bestbuy, who are the only retailers that carry the Collectors Edition,  or from Amazon if you’re just looking for the normal edition.

For those of you in Europe or elsewhere, you can check the full list of retailers to buy a copy for yourself.

The normal edition costs $59.99, the digital deluxe edition costs $79.99 and the collectors edition costs $149.99.

It seems many people are already reporting that the Collectors Editions are being sold out. ArenaNet said they will post an update to Twitter in a few hours to respond to the demand.

I pre-ordered my copy as soon as I got up this morning, so I’ll see you guys in Tyria and on the battlefield.