With a new year coming upon us we have the incredible opportunity to experience new MMORPGs. It was the same last year, as we were all antipating the releases of Tabula Rasa, Lord of the Rings Online, Vanguard Saga of Heroes, and Warhammer Online (still). This year we have a bunch more titles coming, and there is quite the selection. So, without further ado, I bring you the expected MMORPGs of 2008 listed with the most up-to-date release dates that I could find. Everything here is chronologically organized as best as possible. Enjoy:
- Pirates of the Burning Sea – 1/22/08 (Pre-order now and you get to play now)
- 2Moons – 1Q 2008
- Age of Armor – 1Q 2008
- The Chronicles of Spellborn – 1Q 2008
- World of Kung Fu – 1Q 2008
- Age of Conan – 3/25/08
- Godswar Online – 2Q 2008
- Warhammer Online – 2Q 2008 (Whoo!)
- Wonderland Online – 2Q 2008
- Zu Online – 2Q 2008
- Stargate Worlds – 4Q 2008
- AION – 2008
- Huxley – 2008
- Tales of Pirates – 2008
Awesome right? Here we have our basic look at the MMORPGs that are roughly scheduled to be released this year. Obviously some of these dates are more concrete, like Pirates of the Burning Sea which is on schedule to meet it’s 1/22/08 date. Other’s like Warhammer Online have a possibility of being pushed back a few months, and even then some like Stargate Worlds will probably not get released this year at all. Just a hunch.
Also worth noting is that although there are a few triple-A titles, like Warhammer Online and Chronicles of Spellborn, this year also has it’s fair share of shovelware. Prepare to see more and more titles like Zu Online, and Wonderland Online hit the digital domain this year.
Every date, prediction, and event scheduled here at MMOCrunch is, as always, subject to change via the developers whimsies and timing ethics. Thanks for reading. :)
P.S. Also don’t forget to welcome Andrew, our newest Crunch writer here at, well, MMOCrunch. His first post can be found just below.
In Q2, we enter the Age of Reckoning. Can’t wait!
Me either. . .
I’m just praying they don;t delay it again! Hope, hope hope!
Amazing, such a invaluable web site.|