Instance Gratification: DDO Episode 6 – For Baudry’s Booty!

The Lore Hounds returned to Stormreach in full force last week, tackling not one, not two but three dungeons for Episode 6.  After assaulting the Waterworks, the crew decided to try their hand at the casinos thanks to a quest from The Leaky Dinghy.  With skulls cracked and winnings collected, we moved on to another quest chain.  Many, many objects were destroyed in the making of “For Baudry’s Booty!.”

Episode 7 will happen, but when it will happen remains a mystery.  iTZKooPA will be unavailable to run the community event for the next three weeks due to E3 coverage and a long overdue vacation.  Nevertheless, the Lore Hounds plan on continuing the tradition.  We’ll have updated information as Sunday(s) rolls around.

In the mean time, please complete the tutorial questline of Korthos Island (final adventure detailed here), otherwise you will not be eligible for a group invite.  Level 3 is recommended, and as always, the deed will take place on the Khyber server.


  1. aww but you didn’t show us beating that elite quest with you kiting the end boss =( well fun times have fun at E3 and vacationing =)

  2. Yea, I am getting an error too. Looks like KooPA messed up the link, it mouseover says its going to Google Docs. Clearly, he meant to point to an earlier DDO episode. Sure it’ll be fixed momentarily.

    Anyways, love the episodes. I wish more people would watch them so the groups would get bigger!

  3. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to get Wandorf out to play lately, but hopefully soon i’ll be able to get back into it!

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