Legend of Edda Enters Open Beta Today

From today, Thursday, October 14, all Legend of Edda fans can rejoice, as the open beta phase for this game starts. With the open beta, a lot of changes and improvements are coming, making LOE a better game, including an increasing of the level cap to 40, new armor, weapons, explorable areas, monsters and two new dungeons for levels 30 to 40. The equipment upgrading system is getting some love too, so players can face the new challenges these updates  bring,  making weapons stronger and armor more simply.

“We want to thank everyone who participated in the closed beta test and now want to open up that experience, along with several new enhancements, to all players. They are now one step closer to discovering the dynamic mythological fantasy world of Legend of Edda, and we want everyone to come and experience all of the new exciting changes now that are part of the open beta test.”

Sacred Treasure Wars is updated with brand-new content as well, the devs consider PVP and RVR battles as the core of the game, so they have added a new Sacred Treasure Map, challenging the player’s strategy aptitude and their teamwork talent. Sacred Treasure  Wars will take place more frequently, for more players and with a more dynamic rate.

New armor rewards are included into this new beta phase, for all those enthusiast hardcore RVR players, through Sacred Treasure Wars points and for the high levels lovers, new items are included.

Finally, Legend of Edda reaches the Open Beta phase all its fans were waiting for. It’s time to play.

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