Legend VII: Rise of the Thief-Hunter Expansion Launches

Today we have the official release of the new Silkroad expansion, Legend VII: Rise of the Thief-Hunter.

Rise of the Thief-Hunter puts more emphasis on jobs, as they will take on a bigger role for players. New skill sets that are dependent on the job and a character’s level. A player’s job title will change as they complete their job advancement tasks and gain reputation based upon the job activities to earn important ranks — a higher rank will help the player earn additional attribute bonuses.

Other new elements to the game include the trade and triangular conflict system, which has been revamped where players trade and complete smuggling quests. Launch into evolved conflicts between Thieves and Hunters, where users can obtain unique Job Items through Job activities and trading towards additional materials that can craft or reinforce Job items. Hunters gain profit by protecting caravan Trader NPCs and sweeping smuggling operations, while Thieves gain profit by raiding caravans and smuggling. Players can also participate in consignment trading where items are consigned to an NPC, or work the economy in target trading, where players directly trade by transporting goods which can earn a high profit but is far riskier. What trading quests are available will depend on the job players pursue.

The expansion introduces a new avatar, Saint Knight, and a newly designed Craft System, where users can create a variety of craftable items, including Siege Items like Battering rams and Catapults designed for Fortress War, or dive into Trade and Alchemy Items’, including improvements to the Fortress War and User Interface for more exciting and convenient game play.

To celebrate the official launch of Legend VII: Rise of the Thief-Hunter for Silkroad Online, various web events will be announced on their official site.