It’s been an exciting week here at LoreHound! PAX East happened last weekend, and I wish I could have gone with iTZKooPA. But he was busy stalking game developers while there, and brought back a bunch of interviews which are in the process of being smoothed out and put online for everyone to see. I’m obviously biased, but I think they’re some of the best video interviews I’ve seen and and I’ve really been enjoying watching them. I can’t wait for the rest of them to be finished up! Thanks everyone for bringing these interviews to all of us who were unable to attend!
Now that I have gotten my PAX excitement out of the way, welcome to my very first weekly recap! Every Friday, barring strange and unexpected circumstances – which will hopefully be few and far between – I’ll be summing up the week and providing links to the week’s events. So if it’s been particularly busy and things have been pushed off the front page too quickly, you can catch up here. I’ll do my best to keep my commentary short and to the point, although I’m not entirely certain how well I’ll succeed as I can be rather loquacious and pithy when left alone. But, on to the show!
- Mike summed up TERA’s Closed Beta 5 with a preview of the Velika Invasion Event.
- PAX Interview with Executive Producer, Fernando Paiz about DDO’s upcoming expansion Menace of the Underdark. Enter the Druid! And Epic levels! Watch the second part here.
- Warhammer Online: Wrath of Heroes entered open beta, and Mike has a limited code to use for Easter goodies for those who sign up.
- I reported a deck builder for The Secret World, created by a poster on the Secret World official forums. I’ve already had hours of fun playing with this.
- PAX Interview with Todd Harris of Hi-Rez Studios about the future of Tribes: Ascend. Learn about future content and spreadsheets. Yay, spreadsheets!
- Mike talks about pre-orders for Guild Wars 2.
- TERA’s early start is now a lot earlier. Read what Mike has to say about it here.
- Randy reviewed Tangleroot Gorge, an adventure pack in Dungeons and Dragons Online.
- PAX Interview with Christina Sims in a brilliant Vanessa VanCleef cosplay. LoreHound exclusive!
- SWTOR delayed Ranked Warzones, an expected feature of patch 1.2. Read about Mike’s disappointment and watch the trailer for Explosive Conflict, the new Operation. Also, free gametime!
- PAX Interview with Lead Producer Andy Velasquez about Neverwinter, Cryptic’s upcoming D&D MMORPG. LoreHound Exclusive!
- PAX Interview with Todd Harris about the future of MOBAs and Hi-Rez’s upcoming game SMITE.