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Having fixed the last of the major bugs *fingers crossed*, Star Vault is rolling out new content for its first-person sandbox MMO, Mortal Online. The game servers are now able to last a whopping 50 hours before requiring maintenance, and players are able to engage in large-scale warfare with little to no lag issues. The Dawn expansion brings a slew of exciting features to the skill-based title, and is entirely free for current subscribers.
In an effort to gain visibility for their game, Star Vault has added Facebook connectivity to Mortal Online, allowing players to post status updates from the game and receive news & event notifications. On the subject of events, the team has also hired a brand new Community Manager, Black Opal.
Jump past the cut for more details on the expansion…
There’s way too much content to show you here, so I’ll just cover the planned mount updates. The full story is here!
- The Armor slot is for saddles and armors. A saddle will give a better grip and allow for more control and speed when riding. This slot is also used for various armors to give your horse better defense.
- The Feet slot is used to equip things like horseshoes, generally for better grip and speed.
- There are a number of different bags you can put in the Bag slot, each having different properties such as number of storage slots and allowed equipment weight.
- The Head slot is used for special gear, including decorations and equipment with particular functions. One example is blinders. As horses will now use their attributes (Intelligence, Psyche) to act on their own, they will for instance try to avoid obstacles and perceived dangers.
- Equipping your horse with blinders will give you more control over the horse in crowded areas and in combat, at the expense of intuition and reflexes of the horse.
Worst game ever. Don’t waste your time. Just read this previous article from this site:
I can DEFINITELY relate to your frustration with this game, though I respect Star Vault for putting their heads out there like this.
At the very least, future sandbox developers will be able to take MO’s failures into account when creating a (hopefully) successful title.
As for the previous article, one could argue that being “lost” in a game is evidence of total immersion. Many players crave this immersion, but are unwilling to sacrifice the comforts of an in-game map or the convenience of auto-targeting.
MO took the sandbox recipe to an extreme, but the industry now knows where its boundaries are, no?
Hey Guys :)
I’m old, 8 bit old. My first gaming experience on a computer was Spectrum 48K. Then Atari ST – then PC Gamer ever since. I have played most MMOs for a little and some for a long time. Was there for BETA in SWG and ran the first group up to Jabba’s palace… Man that was sweeet.
I’ll get to the point. I have NEVER ever EVER had an adrenalin rush in any game the same as MO.
I’m frightened to go to certain places, I look over my shoulder when I travel and well frankly if you want swords and sorcery immersion this is *the* game. Do not listen to the doubters (WTF have they done).
Also loving some genuine Fantasy which is rare in MMOs – I think most think it’s too hard in comparison to easier marks – and wtf, star trek online… I bought a lifetime Sub – and it made me wish my life was shorter!
Anyhoo – there’s some trial accounts available now on their main site – so come and have a go.
Whinging, Carebare, Pussy types need not apply. Like.. really. You won’t like it.. but the Reds will like you.