After being exposed to Orcs Must Die! through the convention season, iTZKooPA finally got his hands on the title last week. Perhaps you realized that everyone else was doing the work during the week. Reports indicated that His Turtleness was in an orc-gibbing rage, eyes glassed over as crossbolt after crossbolt honed in on helpless skulls, supported by spinning blades, swinging maces and sticky tar.
While iTZKooPA promises us the last orc has yet to fall to his aim, he did take a breath to deliver this in-depth video review. Pay extra close attention, there’s a not-so-hidden treat in there.
Be sure to follow @LoreHound on Twitter for your a chance to win an Orcs Must Die! XBLA code in the coming days.
I’ve never really been a fan of TD games, but this really gets me going. Too cool. This and Dungeon Defenders (when it’ss released) will keep me busy busy busy.
It does look like a fun game. Don’t know if I’ll check it out or not, but, I could imagine myself having lots of fun with all the traps.
@ Xianghua
Do it, you won’t regret it.
It’s also a great stress reliever after a bad day. :)
The game has been getting some nice attention – Totalbiscuit even did a WTF is…. of the game!