Our Shakes & Fidget Guild Needs You!

We launched the Official LoreHound.com fan guild inside Shakes & Fidget awhile back now. Despite the fact that the guild launched on the oldest server, it’s become one of the most powerful. In a scant few weeks the guild rose from the depths of the Level 1 guild ranks, a seemingly bottomless pit, to become a Top 75 ranked guild. Recently pixiestixy, the guild’s GM, surpassed the Level 100 (gratz!) mile marker, enabling the guild to bring the pain to Guild Dungeons like never before. Boss mobs like the Invisible Threat and the Starfish of Death have already met their match.

There’s truly never been a better time to start in Shakes & Fidget. The game recently received its largest content patch to date and its now available on Android smartphones and tablets. The patch  introduced Weekend Events, Playa’s version of the MMOG staple daily quests. The Android client, well that just speaks for itself, even if it is in beta.

Oh, and the forum is chock full of information for the newcomers, hosted by none other than iTZKooPA.

In addition, Lore Hound’s in-game bonuses have continued to increase at a good clip, offering guildmates wild experience and gold bonuses. The guild has opened its ranks to new players, and we’d love for one of them to be you, a faithful reader. All you need to do is sign-up (takes less than five minutes) and play. There’s nothing to install and nothing to buy.

Once you’re account is created on Server 1, shoot pixiestixy or MaxBooger an in-game mail for an invite.


  1. well Pixie just got back to me with a guild invite. still only a lowly lvl 22. but slowly working my way up there.

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