Want some free SWAG? Good, here’s your chance to earn it. Calm down, this contest isn’t as complicated or challenging as our E3 contest. The reward for winning will still be enticing. It just won’t arrive in a large box as part of a menagerie of items.
The task is simple. That picture, that one up there ^^, is without a caption. Your duty, should you chose to accept it, is to leave a comment with the best caption you can come up with (be sure to use a real e-mail address!). It can be inventive, witty, eyebrow-raising or unusual. Whatever gets the Lore Hounds to react will be deemed the winner.
A little background information: We’re “playing” a fireman game – bonus points if you figure out the game – from Sega at the Sega party located inside Gameworks (a Dave & Busters type establishment for the east coasters).
The reward is digital, so everyone can enter. As far as I know, there are no region restrictions.
Your mission starts now. You have four days (September 27) before time runs out.
“Can you believe we actually found ‘Brave Firefighters’?”
“Go get some bolt cutters. I want souvenirs.”
“Look at me! I’m a Brave Firefighter!”
“Wait, we’re supposed to put the fires out? My bad…”
“So *that’s* what happens when you cross the streams!”
Our Brave firefighter and his chum prepare to douse some hot booth girls after a hard day playing with their hoses.
Who you gonna call? Lorebusters! *cue theme music*
“That’s not mine!”
“I’m telling you baby, that’s not mine!”
“I don’t even know what this is. This sort of thing ain’t my bag, baby!”
“So, we use these hoses to wash cars as buxom babes trying to raise money for the cheerleading team, right?”
“No, it’s very simple. We stop fires as Brave Firefighters and then we can get girls.”
“Is this what the Swedish call an Authenticator?!”
Ok i got this!
“It’s not gay if our hoses don’t touch!”