Proudmoore Pride is an annual LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) pride celebration in World of Warcraft. It takes place on the Proudmoore server and is run by two main organizations: The Spreading Taint on the Horde side and the Stonewall Family on the Alliance side. The event primarily consists of a “march” through the Barrens, where players self-organize into themed floats or just walk along. Then, the party continues through Ratchet and into Booty Bay, where there are contests and general festivities. Check out the press release below and click-through for videos and more.
Proudmoore Pride 2012 Press Release
Greetings from The Stonewall Family (Alliance) and The Spreading Taint (Horde)!
I’m happy to announce that this year will be the 8th Annual Proudmoore Pride Parade and after-party Celebration — produced and hosted by our two meta-guilds. Both Taint and The Stonewall Family take great pleasure in putting together what is considered to be one of the biggest in-game parties anywhere! Previous years’ events have attracted a couple thousand toons from all over the realms and from around the world – we’d love to see even more this year!
This year’s Pride event will be held onĀ Saturday, June 16th 2012. Alliance will begin marching at 1145a server time to join their Horde brothers and sisters who will be marching at Noon server.
If you’ve never been to Pride, and are curious what it’s like — do a google search for Proudmoore Pride — we have quite a few videos of years past up on YouTube.
The parade route this year will see the horde staging at Mor’shan Rampart — the Alliance will be staging at Honor’s Stand and meeting up with their Horde family as they begin to proceed south of Crossroads toward Ratchet, and then on the boat together for the ride to Booty Bay!
We are currently hard at work on event planning, with more details on the party, contests, and even some new super-special additions to the celebration… still to come! We will also be relaunching the new and improved as your primary source of information for the event!
To be 100% clear — Proudmoore Pride is open to ALL players who’d like to join us to party, LGBT or not, even those off realm are welcome to come roll a level 1 for a day. Both Alliance and Horde will again have temporary alt guilds set up to help you get assistance to get to the party, distribute info, and provide you access to contacts within our guilds who can help you out.
Just a reminder — no PvP of any type will be tolerated during the event – both Horde and Alliance will have fully-equipped security forces out in large numbers to ensure a peaceful and fun time for everyone.
Lots lots more info is still to come. We’ll keep updates here and even more on the official Pride website located at *** relaunching very shortly ***
Looking forward to seeing everyone and dancing with you all at the party!
Ginjack – Founder, The Stonewall Family
All players are welcome to join on their existing characters or make new ones. There are temporary guilds made to organize new players for the events, and trade chats will have plenty of information before the event.
For more information, check out my post from 2010, listen to me talk about it on Rawrcast, and hit up the official site. See you there!
Why is this even news?
i love that you posted this Heartbourne. i attended this with a close friend of mine for. to show my support for sexual equality within the game. it was actually a lot of fun.
@Proto Man
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@Proto ManWhy not?