SWTOR: Experience Coruscant and Community Q&A

Recently, Bioware’s World Designer Eric Young, has posted a very interesting article on the Star Wars: The Old Republic website. The intention of Eric is to give SWTOR fans some insight about world designing, focusing on one of the most difficult places to design: Coruscant.

Usually, shaping terrains, adding buildings, trees and all you need to make a zone “come to live” is difficult, but imagine the effort needed to design Coruscant, a huge city world covering the whole planet.

Coruscant is the capital city of The Republic, and the design team wanted to do a good work, but take note that no other MMO has such a tremendous city on it. Eric states they begun with a very conservative approach to the project, but being unsatisfied they started to to become more and more ambitious, ending up with a result to be proud of.

You can read the full article on the official website of the game, where in addition to the SWTOR: Experience Coruscant you’ll find a very interesting community Q&A.