BioWare just announced that one of the key features, Ranked Warzones, and really the only big PvP addition that was to be included in update 1.2, has been delayed.
Lead Game Designer for Star Wars: The Old Republic, Daniel Erickson, stated the following on the BioWare website:
It is with great reluctance that I have to announce Ranked Warzones are not going live with Game Update 1.2:
After careful consideration, it is clear that to make Ranked Warzones the feature we all want it to be is going to take a bit more time.
In the future we’ll be rolling the Ranked Warzone Preseason out in phases, listening carefully to player feedback and making adjustments as we go. The first phase will be full team, eight-player queuing only and from there we’ll look at next steps as Preseason progresses.
Quite an shock considering the update is less then 24 hours away from launching and even more so for PvP fans, as now there’s really nothing in this update for them.
The reason is that the rind of this pumpkin like fruit is
rich in a material called hydroxycitric acid / HCA, a principle extract of Garcinia cambogia.