Tera: New Velika & Castanica Screens

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A new shipment of Tera images has arrived on our doorstep and we’re just itching to show them to you!  These two new screen shots show off the extreme contrast between recently released cities Velika, and Castanica.  Both of these cities reside on the same continent but it is easy to see how both of them differ from each other.  The city of Velika is a peaceful looking one, with cute houses scattered throughout, and a massive magical wheel in the center of the town.  The city of Castanica on the other hand is very gloomy looking.  Instead of inviting townsfolk, you will find jagged roof tops with dark clouds hanging above.

Both of these cities have been detailed in full, and if you wish to view the history of each, click here.  For more information on the upcoming action MMO; Tera Online, click here for the official site.