Flagship Studios has decided to give everyone currently in the Mythos beta 2 invites, so I’d like to offer the first 2 people that reply an invite. Just comment here and I’ll send it within 24 hrs, probably much sooner. BTW if you get on my characters name is Omicronn, lev 19 Pyromancer.
For those of you who missed it, below are links to mine and Geoff’s previews of Mythos.
I’ll take an invite
Great blog and I wouldn’t mind checking it out!
yes if you’re being serious!
WOW i would love to try that out, hook a brother up! :oP
ME plz! XD
Do I win now?
Thanks for the previews and being willing to share your beta invites! Mythos looks like a fun game.
I’ve been wanting to try this game for awhile but haven’t received a beta invite. I’d appreciate one, thanks!
SO many betas to subscribe to and so few to get into.
Sounds awesome, cant wait to try it out.
Would love an invite.
Jcal and Calous, I’ve sent you guys an invite. Sorry to everyone else. If i get any more i’ll let you know
thanks a bunch, i will look for you in game!
Wow can one of the people who got one please send me one? alcaponeben@yahoo.com
I’ll chime in here also–if anyone else has a spare invite I would absolutely love to kick the tires on this one:
Thanks much!
Plz give-me 1 invite :( :(
Man i have been hopin and prayin for a mmo like diablo to keep me occupied, diablo was such a hit I MUST HAVE A INVITE TO THIS BETA, please, i beg of u someone give me a invite to mythos beta!!!
someone please i need an invetaition please plaese i beg you……. realy imoon my knees pleas
pls send me a invitation s0baka@yahoo.com
I have been trying to get an invite but still no one from the forums… I would be apprieciated if someone sended one to me… Chris-ern@hotmail.com
send me an invite .. i really want to play this game!!!!!!!!!!
Can i have a inite?. i have waited for 4 month, i cant wait more, its hard :(
lol guess the invites are ling gone…
Mythos looks really good…when will it be released to the general public….i really wanna play it