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If you want a chance at a Vindictus beta key, follow MMOCrunch on Twitter. I’ll be giving away 2 keys later today!
Vindictus is a fast-paced action MMO being developed by Nexon, creators of Maple Story and Combat Arms (which if you haven’t checked out yet and like first person shooters, should be on your bucket list.) Beta keys are being given out in limited supply at several sites, but everyone who nabs one of those keys can get two more to give to buddies!
If you have a couple keys you don’t know what to do with as a buddy, let me know and I”ll be happy to distribute them on our Twitter.
Good to know, Thanks, Staci.
please give a beta key zalaislvl@yahoo.com
I dont have a twitter… could u please email me 1! *thecowboybebop123@gmail.com
I don’t have a twitter too….. its too late to ask for a bate key ??
to the E-mail ice_zom_bie@hotmail.com
can u please lend me won i dont have a twitter so like that guy its alex8bam@yahoo.com
Please send me a beta key im desperate!!!!
I want a key too nailui_93@yahoo.com
give me also… aaron_hndsme@yahoo.com
I’d love a key, if possible, anyone, at michael.1994.silber@gmail.com :) I’ll pass my next keys on, please help me! :D Thanks in advance !!
need a key pls send to
i accept at facebook :) plz give me a beta key on my email fabian.koala94@gmail.com :) thanks
Im really sorry I can’t follow you on twitter but Ive been DYING for a key so I’d love if you could send me one at shady2dusk@hotmail.com
can anyone send me a key ill send one back and pass one on its jbeezey73@yahoo.com
hi anyone offering vindictus passes? pleeease ive been searching all day for the keys but i just keep reaching dead ends. All the mmo sites have run out of like 2000 keys and thats sooo crazy. I really am hoping for one >.<" Thank you so much! email: asianjam97@yahoo.com
Plz need a key for play. ty guys gL
I’ll share the other 2.
If anyone has an extra key can you send one my way please :) Thanks :)
i dont have tweeter .i need a beta key to can someone pls give me one? i will pey back with my other x2 keys i will earn .i rly rly want to play this game :/
u can hook me up in msn add me frozzendreams@hotmail.com <3
Hey can someone send me a key? I’ll keep one for a friend and give you the other, would really appreciate it.
mzauher@gmail.com put in comment vindictus so my spam filter doesn’t catch it.
May I have a beta key too? yoshinobui@gmail.com
hello can i please have one,(beta key) or is it to late…:(
need a key pls send to