Join iTZKooPA, Amatera, Juggynaut, and pixiestixy for this week’s MMOcast. Topics for this week include:
- DC Universe Online dated for simultaneous launch in November.
- Third Star Wars MMOG, Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures, announced.
- World of Tanks development trees (Ruskies, Nazis and the best).
- Runes of Magic announces development of Skill-Set System – armor sets that bestow additional character abilities.
- EVE Online Tyrannis expansion causes free-market destruction.
- Symantec locates scary MMOG virus that compromised 44 million accounts.
- SW:TOR’s Companion Character system detailed
- DDO Update 5: Rise of the Guilds announced
Discussion: How important is character customization? Is it enough to have it only at the beginning, or do we need more options throughout our careers (armor dyes, secondary armor sets, character appearances changes like in Fable II, etc.)?
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Lore Hound MMOcast: Episode 10
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