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MMOCrunch is Moving!

February 3, 2012 LHStaff 8

We have some exciting news for you today; no Blizzard didn’t announce the released date for Diablo 3 and no, neither did ArenaNet for GW2. MMOCrunch is moving to! It’s […]

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Age of Conan Delayed!

January 21, 2008 LHStaff 0

Well crap, it looks like Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures will be delayed an additional eight weeks.  Funcom, the publisher of AoC, today announced that the game is being delayed […]

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The Avatar Machine

November 9, 2007 LHStaff 0

How many countless hours have you watched your character with nothing but their back towards you?  It seems that a great many MMORPGs and a good amount of regular games […]