Titan Quest: Eternal Embers Burns
Eternal Embers is best summed up by being a weird gem.
Eternal Embers is best summed up by being a weird gem.
There’s something about being stuck at home for a year that can hone one’s psyche in the areas of life that delivers unfettered enjoyment. I won’t attempt to bore you […]
You would never see a professional tennis player using an old wooden racket, so if you are going to be a professional gamer, you cannot expect to continue using outdated equipment.
If you believe the Internet, we’re firmly in the Year of the Metal Rat. Few things are looking more metal right now than Doom Eternal, a game I’m ridiculously interested […]
Every PAX is a bit different than the last, and this year was no exception. Between the early date of the show, and several major companies pulling out at the […]
One of the highlights of PAX Unplugged for me was taking a look at Weave, a role playing game developed by the Monocle Society focused on collaborative storytelling. This is […]
I had heard about Santorini when it was on kickstarter a few years ago, but never played it until I brought a copy home from PAX Unplugged. This has […]
We’re kicking off our analog game review series with Zodiac Clash, a new strategy game from Spin Masters. This games comes in a clear box, so before even opening it, […]
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