E3 2011: Alganon Announces First X-Pac this Winter, Rolls Out Keeps Patch, Switches up Servers

Lots of news has just come out on Quest Online’s F2P MMO Alganon, starting with the biggest announcement that the game will be expanding this winter. Alganon: Rise of the Ourobani, the game’s first expansion will include:

  • A new playable race, the Ourobani
  • A new leveling experience in the new continent of Aeon
  • A new combat companion class, the Warden, playable by all races
  • New flying mounts in Alganon
  • Player and Guild Housing in each of the major cities, and on the island-city of Matma’el
  • A new PvP Battleground system with battles that will reportedly affect the greater game world
  • Hundreds of new quests, including new types of quests

The expansion focuses in on Ouroban, a god believed lost to the void, who has returned and brought with him secret knowledge about the portal system that enables the people of Alganon to travel freely about their world. Check out the official website for a bit more on the lore behind the expansion.

Today, the game also is rolling out a new Keeps patch that promises to complete the last phase developing PvP features and world control.

In this phase we’ve erected 8 keep structures throughout the lands of Alganon, four each on Ardonya and Harraja. These keeps are located in each zone which currently contains a set of 3 towers. An attacking army must take and control each of the 3 towers in order to unlock the keep for attack.

By using various siege weapons an attacking army can break through the various gates within a keep, then attack and defeat the commander. Successfully accomplishing this goal before losing control of any one of the three towers will change the control of that zone over to the attackers.

Each of the Keeps must be taken in order, from the furthest away to the closest to each Capital city. Once a faction controls all 8 keeps on Alganon they may then press their attack on their enemy’s city. Killing Vaspar Truthseer or Bredon Furyslayer will net the victors the spoils of war! Epic PvP weapons, PvP accessories, Gold, Renown and Experience points. If either leader dies the world resets to its initial state, with each faction controlling 4 keeps.

And then a bit of a mixed-bag in terms of servers. The company will add a Western European server based in Amsterdam later this month, according to the game’s June newsletter. Existing European players will be able to transfer their account to the new server, named Aeon. But the two U.S. servers will be merged into one new server. Interesting.

New to Alganon? Get started by reading up Ronix’s very in-depth analysis of the game and an interview with Derek Smart, president of Quest Online.