Age of Conan: Savage Coast of Turan Pack Release Date Announced

Today Funcom has revealed the launch date for the Savage Coast of Turan pack as September 8th, although early access will begin starting August 31st for those that purchased the Early Access Bonus pack. The Age of Conan Turan pack costs 1300 Funcom points and the early access pack is 2000 points for premium players, which is about $10.83 and $16.66 respectively. The early access pack also includes an additional level 50 character option and additional character slot.

To celebrate the upcoming launch of the Savage Coast of Turan pack Funcom is also offering the Jewels of Turan pack, which offers 60% off of the combined costs of its content.

There you will find the access to the pack, all the benefits of the Early Access Bonus pack plus a selection of great items, including an exclusive Sand Demon pet that can only be attained through purchase of this fantastic sale pack! You will also get a great vanity armor set styled on Conan’s armor from the recent Conan the Barbarian movie.

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