Age of Wushu Keeps Rolling, New PvE/PvP Content Incoming

Snail Games announced earlier today that the western version of Age of Wushu (Wulin elsewhere) will be receiving new content just after last week’s successful launch that required a new server. The developer will be bringing the already-launched content from the Chinese servers. The upcoming patch will include new skills, competitions, and much more.

The Jet Li backed epic martial arts title will be receiving the Mount Hua PvP competition that’s currently running in China. The contest will award top players with special titles and costumes, with the ultimate winner receiving a Heaven Sword. Yanmen Pass will compliment the PvP addition by unveiling a new PvE instance with diverging storylines. Players can create their own adventure each time they enter the instance.

Two other important features are Rage skills that must be cultivated like nearly everything else in the sandbox game and the ability to put a ring on it. Yea, weddings are on the docket.