Allods to Release Volume 2 Update on October 5th


Allods Online fans rejoice! Volume 2: Rise of Gorluxor will be available tomorrow night and with it, a new raid boss, Gorluxor.

“As the legend goes, it all began when Nezeb fell during the Great Astral Campaign and the Empire began to look to their future after years of mourning. It happened that two persons came to the front of the political scene – Gorluxor and Yasker – a Great Mage and an enthusiastic young war hero, both always on Nezeb’s side and both fighting for the lead after his death. While Gorluxor had the support of the Xadaganians, Yasker went to the Orcs and Arisen and promised them full rights as citizens of the Empire in return of their support. After aligning their armies, Gorluxor faced imminent defeat and fled to escape his capture and execution. Until now, no one has known of his whereabouts.”

With the Volume 2 update, many of the classes have had their talents and rubies reset, the friend’s list has finally been repaired, and many quests have been reworked.

You can read the full patch notes here.

1 Comment

  1. is this some kind of news? because it doesnt say anything about the patch if only spit a link to teh official site.
    Btw those notes are a fake because most of what is written in there is false.

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