Blacklight: Retribution – By The Numbers: Marines We’re Not!

Perfect World Entertainment released the latest trailer for Blacklight: Retribution, the upcoming F2P FPS from Zombie Studios. The short trailer, seen above, breaks down the beta process by everyone’s favorite subject, math. Even if number munching isn’t your cup of tea, it’s pretty astounding how much action the beta process has seen in a few short weeks.

  • 14 million minutes played
  • 280 million shots fired
  • 13 million agents K.I.A
  • 494 million combat points spent
  • 04 03 12

Zombie should have taken it a step further. It’s even more interesting is when you analyze these numbers against each other.

  • 26.64 years of human productivity gone. Conversely, 26.64 years of hand-eye coordination training for post-apocalyptic survivors.
  • 21.54 shots per kill. Marines we are not.
  • 0.33 shots per second. Trigger happy, we are.
  • 1.76 combat points earned per shot or…
  • 35.29 combat points per minute player.
  • April 3, 2012 – I already took vacation.

Simple take away; shoot more for more CP!

Blacklight: Retribution will be launching on April 3, 2012.