Recently Blizzard expanded their store for World of Warcraft by adding two in-game items; The Celestial Steed Flying Mount and the Lil’ XT Pet. A functional mount is a first for the store and demand has been very high.
Reports from have indicated that the number of individuals in the queue for the Celestial Mount is above 140,000. According to, Blizzard is making an estimated $2.5 million per hour from these new little additions to the Blizzard store.
Concern from the community has arisen about Blizzards new marketing tactic, with many saying that it is unfair for those that have spent hours upon hours of playtime, trying to earn the in-game gold that is required for a flying-mount.
We’re betting that the fine folks at Blizzard are pretty darn happy at the moment. $2.5 million per hour for a new mount and pet. Blizzard is on a roll.
“with many saying that it is unfair for those that have spent hours upon hours of playtime, trying to earn the in-game gold that is required for a flying-mount.”
Said players still need to earn in-game gold to make this mount fly, since it is the riding skill that costs a lot of gold, not the mounts. Mounts are trivial in price relative to the skill.
Their calculations are totally flawed. If you take 140,000 people in a queue and devide it by the time it takes to process the queue (which even say is 7 hours) you only get 20,000 transactions per hour which is 500k.
Still a shit load of money for nothing. I don’t understand why people would pay for that, but i guess the last moron is dead.
Funny how you pay monthly AND pay for item mall items like the free asian games. For as long as I can remember, people have defended WOW using that “you pay less for sub based games because they dont have an item mall” but it seems this is becoming less and less true.
A fool and his money are soon parted?