DCUO: More Epic Battles Screenshots

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DC Universe Online was set to launch in November 2010, though it wont until early 2011, as you all probably know. That was a bad punch to all fans awaiting for the online version of DC Universe that, somehow, SOE wants to compensate releasing new videos and lots of screenshots, clearly trying to keep the hype flame burning.

What I would like, otherwise, is having more information about the game itself, like game mechanics, superpowers available, combat system… and so on. Is there going to be some kind of player housing? Would be cool to have your own base, like Batman. Will players do crafting? Would be awesome to craft your own vehicle.

Those questions are some of the main ones, in my opinion, but till we all get our hands on the final release of the game, we’ll have to keep watching the new batch of screenshots released, while we still wonder how does it feel to play a superhero, or a villain.


  1. The DCUO Devs have already said that there will NOT be crafting in the game…only detective work with ‘clues’. The Devs have said this on their DCUO Official Website Interview Vids and in their recent articles. I wish you bloggers would actually READ an article or two before you post your stuff.

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