F2P Friday: Haven’t Played Hearthstone in Forever

lh_Blackrock_Mountain_f2p_fridayF2P Friday is our weekly showcase of the growing free-to-play market, from MMORPGs to first-person shooters and beyond. The stream team will feature the latest, greatest and just plain fun games that cost you nothing to play. Ever. Granted, you should throw the developer a bone if you enjoy a title, but you don’t have to.

The last time Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft was on this show it was hosted by our resident addict. Shaktaji took the reigns entertaining with her own brand of card-based mayhem, brainstorming and random number generated groans. That time distance is, for all intents and purposes, the last time I took to Hearthstone with any regularity. I’m not sure why or what happened. Burn out, card fatigue, skill gap, time or alternative interests, but I’ve definitely stepped away from Blizzard’s card cashcow.

As with World of Warcraft, news is buzzing around Hearthstone thanks to incoming content, so why not return for a peek at what I’ve been missing? After all, one has to get their bearings on the offerings of Blackrock Mountain before the rumors new expansion blows away all preconceived notions of a viable deck.

Be sure to subscribe to the channel for all our streams, giveaways and shenanigans. Hit the jump for the livestream, which is scheduled to kick off around 7:00 PM EST. Don’t forget to check out our game of the week over on Poki.com!

Watch live video from LoreHound on Twitch