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With a strong player base forming around it, UTV True Games’ Faxion Online is launching its second phase of beta testing, continuing the no-holds-barred PvP focus that it has become known for. The war rages on as new and current testers fill the ranks of Good and Evil, fighting for control over the more ambiguous Seven Deadly Sins.
Among other updates, the polishing of the multi-class and skill progression systems will make a big difference in acclimating new players to the game while providing a more intuitive setup for veterans. As users invest more skills in secondary and tertiary levels, they will be more aware of how their new/upgraded arsenal will behave and affect other skills. Additional content such as new maps and teleportation stones have been added in an effort to bring a more fluid in-game experience for players as well.
The first Faxion beta test phase has gone over swimmingly, according to Frank Lucero, Studio Head at UTV True Games:
“The responses to the first closed beta have been incredible in helping us determine updates for this second phase,”
“Our community has provided invaluable feedback and we are looking forward to their response to the latest
content in the second closed beta patch.”