As seen on the first dev diary video, that Perfect World Entertainment showed recently, for the upcoming MMO Forsaken World, closed beta phase 2 was about to begin for this game. Now is live.
Phase 2 increases the level cap to 40 and brings a lot of new content, in the form of new group maps, instances, dungeons, professions and events.
Major gameplay changes:
Level cap raised to 40New dungeons available:
The Arena of Souls
Wraith Castle
Glistening LowlandsNew event available:
Hunting FestivalNew professions:
Significant updates/relocalization for:
Numerous pet skills
Numerous player skills
The event window
Achievement names and titles
Job system window
Loading screen tips
Nightmare Carnival NPC’s
Party settings window – loot distribution and instance selection
In addition to to these new changes and content, PWE has revealed the pet system. Pets seem to play an important role in Forsaken World as they can heal, deal damage and become powerful in time, while they grow from mere pups till mature companions. The pet system for this MMO seems to be an evolved one, is not simple and looks like you could have fun hatching your new pet and optimizing it. For the full notes about the pet system, check the official pet system section on the Forsaken World website.
Perfect World Entertainment takes Forsaken World further on its development. If you want to participate on the beta, you’re still in time to aply on the official website and if you were on the phase 1, don’t worry, you have access to the this new phase granted.
Enjoy the game and, of course, remember to help the devs improve the game.