Funcom Announces Founding Cabal Service to Guild Leaders

This is a guest article written by Sephalon.

Earlier this week, a Community Manager announced on The Secret World forums that Funcom will be having a “Founding Cabal” lottery. Just in case you didn’t know, a Cabal is just a guild called… well a cabal.

As Famine, the CM who made the announcement, said it:

Attention Guild Leaders!

You and your guild now have the chance to become one of the privileged few that have a unique opportunity to secure your guild’s prominence in The Secret World as a Founding 50 Cabal(cabals in The Secret World are equivalent to guilds in other MMORPGs). Leaders of guilds that are already in existence and who seek to have a presence in The Secret World may apply for one of alimited number of reserved spots. 

Those who were lucky enough to be selected as one of the fifty slots available as a Founding Cabal will earn:

  • 1 Lifetime The Secret World account for the cabal leader
  • The Secret World beta accounts for the cabal leader to distribute to members. (Remaining beta time is limited and the keys must be used prior to 20th of June 2012)
  • 5000 bonus points for the cabal leader’s account for use on Funcom services and offers on your The Secret World account.
  • Your chosen cabal name reserved so that no other cabal may use it within The Secret World.
  • Guild Launch will provide selected Guild Leaders with 5 years of complimentary hosting via!

How Cabal leaders can apply (and only the Cabal leaders may) by sending an email to The email’s subject line “should be your desired cabal name” and should include the following application form:

It’s a shame the game is a subscription model. I favor the F2P model myself because of our tight budget (meaning Mordil and I), or lack thereof.

  • Cabal leader’s The Secret World account name:
  • (If you do not yet have an account in The Secret World, get one here: )
  • Cabal leader’s email:
  • Current guild website:
  • Number of active members in the guild:
  • What secret society will your cabal be part of:
  • (Templar, Illuminati or Dragon – find out more about the three secret societies in The Secret World here: )
  • How long has your guild been together?
  • What language does the majority of your guild speak?
  • What games are your guild members currently playing together?

It’s a shame The Secret World is a subscription model. I favor the F2P model for most, if not all, my games simply because of the tight budge Mordil and I are under. If it was F2P, Mordil and I would be all over trying to secure a Lore Hound Cabal for fame and glory. Who knows? Maybe in a few months, they might consider the change, as so many other games have in the recentyear(s).

Which cause are you fighting for, and better yet, who’s going to try to get the Founding Cabal rank?

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