We Lore Hounds have been in the video game industry for years. Personally, I have covered the industry in a professional capacity for nearly a decade. Cutting my teeth on my very first site (now available!) and company during the Y2K crisis. Lore Hound itself has existed for over half a decade now. I guess what I’m saying is we’ve been around the block. Our small blogosphere is understood to be an incredibly dedicated bunch. By being around for so long our name has gotten out there. We’ve networked, social mediaed and drank ourselves into numerous meetings, swag and “free” lunches. Last week brought us a completely new opportunity. The chance to be on the gosh darn radio!
We jumped all over it.
During our run of New York Comic Con we were connected by a friend to Erik Nagel, the producer of the Opie with Jim Norton. It was instant nerd bliss. But it was short nerd bliss. To correct that Erik invited us onto the show itself! We graced it momentarily to round out the coverage of NYCC. For heaven’s sake you know we didn’t leave it at that. We couldn’t slink out of the bowels of SiriusXM without an interview. An interview with Geek Stuff’s Big Kev and OG and Erik Nagel himself is exactly what you’ll find after the cut.