UPDATE 10/4: We’ve received another 500 keys, so get em while they are hot!
Have you been waiting for Legend of Edda closed beta to arrive? The wait is going to be over next week, as the official LOE site’s countdown clock marks. For the occasion, MMOCrunch is pleased to announce the giveaway of beta-keys for the next closed beta phase of this game.
Legend of Edda is another MMO from GamesCampus, based on the myth of Olympus and focused on PVP action. Labeled as cute and hardcore LOE mixes the manga appeal with some brutal action, allowing players to cooperate in guild battles, single duels and party skirmishes.
Have a look at the trailer.
If you’re game for it, go ahead and grab one of the giveaway beta-keys we have here for you, on MMOCrunch. Hurry up or maybe you won’t count yourself in for the next Legend of Edda closed beta phase.
pls give me betakeys T_T
i wannnaa play!!
give me batakeys T_T”
ByeBye DO welcome EDDA
At first I really like this game but i got banned for unknown reason. I emailed gamescampus regarding of my account but I never received a email from them. Beware of this game! if you like farming gold instead of buying item mall then this game is not for you. They will surely ban you for having much gold.
P.S Item mall here can be traded anyway
Could someone send me Beta Keys ^ ^
please give me key i really like to play please send it to my email
pacia_mj@yahoo.com thank you so much