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Straight from the developers’ desk, Amarie (Community Manager) brings a boatload of updates for Virtrium’s beloved massively multiplayer title, Istaria. After a summer of focused work on debugging the game, the developers are ready to begin cracking away at content updates and other projects. Always vigilant (and ever-grateful) of player-reported bugs, the team at Virtrium tops their “Known Issues” list with Imperial-owned structure activation glitch, as well as a need for an updated game launcher. The June and August content updates give a clear picture of what has changed within the world of Istaria this past summer.
As in the title, we are looking to the future, and the lookin’ is good! Let me break down Fall’s activities for you:
- Finish Tier 2 revamp by adding mini-dungeons and quest-lines
- New monster: Azular
- Finish Scholar revamp by completing scroll lines and adding missing art assets
- Finish Dragon appearance revamp, including new Khutit head models.
- Appearance modification post-creation
Realizing how much work needs to be done with loot tables, the dev team decided to give the entire loot system an overhaul, focusing on risk vs. reward factors and fixing trophy/tech drop inconsistencies. In addition, Istaria will be receiving a new vault building and season-themed decorations for player plots. As always Virtrium wants give the utmost freedom to their playerbase, so customization is a natural feature to expand on.
Amarie stresses that the team is continuing to work on projects large and small, and will continue to keep us updated with their plans.
Thx for the info, Nathan :)