Join Juggynaut, pixiestixy, and iTZKooPA for this week’s WoWcast. Today we’re discussing the following topics and much more:
- Hellscream’s Warsong / Strength of Wrynn Buff up to 20%
- Remote Auction House beta widens to all realms
- PTR 3.3.5 including Operation Gnomeragan and Zlazane’s Fall carrying on
- Hunger for Blood – GONE in Cataclysm
- Jider on Stormreaver US Solos 25-man Patchwerk
- Arthas (25) and Illidan (17) in Empire’s 50 greatest video game characters list
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I still can’t believe you outed me, Koopa!! Wait ’til I learn your deepest, darkest secret and spew it all over our next podcast. *shakes fist*
that is not a lady-like thing to do :P
Drama = hits.
Fist = hits.