M.A.T.: Mission Against Terror Closed Beta Key Giveaway!

MMOCrunch is glad to announce we are giving away closed beta keys to M.A.T.: Mission Against Terror (MAT), Kingsoft’s upcoming online FPS!

MAT is a shooter pitting two teams against each other with a wide array of real-world weapons. It also features many different game modes to satisfy all your fragging needs. Choose from:

  • Deathmatch – The classic frag your enemies to win mode.
  • Bombing Mode – Think Counter-strike, a bombing team and a counter-bombing team.
  • Phantom Mode – Think bombing mode except the bombing team is made of ghosts. Yep, ghosts!
  • Mummy Mode – Much like Call of Duty’s Zombie mode, you must survive an onslaught of risen Egyptian mummies!
  • Terminator Mode – Your team is pitted against an army of robots.
  • Tank Mode – You are placed in an armored tank, need I say more?

M.A.T.: Mission Against Terror also boasts customizable avatars including headgear, eyewear and costumes so you can frag in style. So be one of the first to try out this upcoming FPS and melt some faces like never before!

To sign up for a beta key visit our MAT beta giveaway page, and to stay up to date on all trailers and videos of MMOs you care about subscribe to us on YouTube.


  1. look up my name on my name on mat its iamthejuggernaut im pretty good AND i love this game sooomuch im now a lv 48

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