Speaking to IndustryGamers, BioWare heads Dr. Ray Muzyka and Dr. Greg Zeschuk, stated that the possibility of a Mass Effect MMO game is very much alive. Dr. Zeschuk said the following when asked about a Mass Effect MMO,
You never know. I think once The Old Republic is done, we’ll take a fresh look at the market. And we’ll have learned a lot. While making it, you learn an enormous amount. It’s one of the nice things about having these properties in our back pocket… If we want to use something we own as a source for a game, it’s easy to do. So yeah, you never know. We’ve got this giant product to launch, but once that’s done we’ll consider next steps.
Muzyka added,
We’re focused very much on The Old Republic, Mass Effect 3 and [our free-to-play game] Wrath of Heroes, and all the other things we’ve announced, and haven’t announced, but we also have the opportunity to look at our franchises in a way we haven’t ever before. There are lots of new platforms and lots of new business models.
It seems BioWare is taking the wait and see approach with Star Wars: The Old Republic to see how it does before making any decisions about another MMO game. But if the hype surrounding SWTOR is any indication of its success, I’m sure BioWare will jump at the chance to create another MMORPG out of a beloved series like Mass Effect.
Cool, i am waiting for both Star Wars and Mass Effect.