MOBA Monday is a weekly showcase of how to perform, eh, let’s go with adequately – we hope – in a multiplayer online battle arena. The streaming squad features the hottest, upcoming or most interesting titles of their and the communities fancy for a few rounds of PvP shenanigans in our weekly Twitch channel staple.
Ah Puch, a peculiar selection from the Maya pantheon, is the latest god to join the Battleground of the Gods. I haven’t been able to take him for a spin quite yet, but have had to deal with his kit, a mix of incredible area of effect damage and debuffs. It’s a bit agonizing depending who you’ve selected. Why is he a peculiar addition to the growing MOBA? Simply because he’s the loosest adaptation of a pantheon to date. Not because, like Kukulkan, the historical lore is shady. Nope, Ah Puch is, effectively, entirely made up.
That’s not entirely fair. It’s not that Hi-Rez Studios made up the Horrific God of Death simply to kit out another magical mage. There’s plenty, nearly endless options in the pantheons of Earth religions past, present and future. It’s more that early western studies of the kingdom and historians conflated mentions of Ah Puch and death gods as one and the same. In reality, scholars of the Maya universe recognize only two death gods, One-Death and Seven-Death, which are considered to be a single God; Death.
Now that you’ve been updated on the lore join me in destroying others or destroying those selecting the fakish Maya god. Giveaways are simply another perk to hearing my nails-on-chalkboard voice!
Don’t forget that all Lore Hound Twitch shows have been moved to their new time at 7:00 PM EST. Hit the jump or head directly to the channel page to watch live. Follow for all the updates and giveaway opportunities.