We Lore Hounds have been taking the wait-and-see approach to Guild Wars 2. We’ve feared getting over-hyped and have quietly waited for ArenaNet to put money where its mouth is. The company recently responded.
The folks at ArenaNet were kind enough to invite us back to their private booth during PAX Prime 2010 to see said money. And the demo was absolutely awesome. However, some questions remained unanswered, while more still were created.
ArenaNet’s Eric Flannum upgraded the awesome to awesomesauce by agreeing to sit down with iTZKooPA for an interview after he spent a half hour giving a thorough demo. During the grilling, iTZKooPA and Flannum discuss the amount of voiceover work present, how each player’s story is told, the art style, system requirements, how Guild Wars 2 will address the flaws of the original (jumping!) and so much more.
WOOO This game is gonna be awsome =D.
Ooooh LoreHound has gained enough prestige to be invited to a secret booth!
And I guess the game looks pretty cool too…
Our guild Syko Killers is looking for casual everyday gamers to join our community and team. We’re gearing up for Guild Wars 2! Please check us our at sykokillers.com!