Forsaken World, the upcoming MMORPG of Perfect World Entertainment, is living its first beta phase. Next one, beta phase 2, starts next November 24th and looks like this giant MMO publisher don’t want to miss the chance of letting us all know its game better.
From now, PWE will be releasing a Developer Diary series, regarding Forsaken World, explaining a lot of things about the game. In addition to all the press releases and the official website, giving information regularly, now we bring you the first introduction Video. What can I say? The video talks by itself.
It’s great that PWE decided to release this kind of videos
. You can really get a sneak-peak at the game, learning many features and getting the ambience of it. We’ll stay tuned for new videos of and we’ll bring them to you, avid gamer, always here, on MMOCrunch.
More videos on our Youtube Channel.