PvP Lead Designer, Gabe Amatangelo, posted an update yesterday about some much needed PvP changes coming to Star Wars: The Old Republic.
The majority of changes are coming to the Warzones and on the Open PvP world of Illum. Warzones will now have a new level 50 bracket where players at the level cap will be separated from everyone else. I’m not sure why this is restricted to level 50 players only, wouldn’t it be more effective to make the bracket span a few level, say from 40 – 50?
The second major change comes to the open PvP world of Illum with revisions to rewards, more Companion restricted areas and a focus on more player conflict. As part of the reward revisions, Illum will become a major source of Valor for players as new controllable objectives will give factions Valor buffs.
Other general combat features are also being planned such are Ranked Warzone Matches, PvP stats tracking, open world PvP loot drops and more Warzone medals for different objectives, Guard Optimizations and Target Optimizations. Players will also soon be able to select what Warzone they want to play. Thank god, no more Huttball :)
i love hut ball ._.
The ’50 only’ is likely to be pre-emptive. I’ve heard SWTOR is not to far off the same path of most all other MMO’s. That means that instead of leveling, people will get better and better gear at level cap. Meaning there will be a huge power difference between 49 and 50 as people hit end game.