Pixel Pandemic announced this morning that its post-apocalyptic F2P browser-based title is now being designed as an MMORPG. Crowding the likes of Fallen Earth and other post-apocalyptic titles, Pixel Pandemic will be bringing the title to Facebook as well as your browser of choice. Not willing to be a “me too” title, the designers at Pixel Pandemic plan to do something no one else has done on Facebook; launch a cooperative MMOG experience.
Features include:
- Download-free browser-based play
- Fully customizable avatars including items from the world
- Avatar skilltrees and perks
- A “rich” storyline
Hit the jump for details on the lore of the mutated, bombed-out world and the first batch of concept art.
In a future not far from now, Earth has been set in flames. The once civilized world is now a radiated wasteland. As a player you are one of the few survivors facing the challenges of a post-apocalyptic world, fighting against radiated ghouls, fierce mutants and merciless raiders. To survive, players must establish their own safe houses, team up with other survivors and scavenge for scarce resources.
Oh my god, this is just freakin’ horrible. I barely made it through their info page. The section titled “What makes Radiated Wasteland completely unique from other browser games?” just explains how it rips off other games. It seems like they are trying to be too many things at once. A casual, hardcore, facebook, text-based, free2play, pay2win, coop, browser-based MMO with “achievements similar to the concept known from Xbox 360”? I wish I had more time to rant, but it’s time for me to split!
Just look at their info page, it is a mess! “a hybrid of a text based WoW & the Fallout games series in browser based Facebook format”, “free to play and will monetize through virtual items and premium advantages”, “focusing on co-op rather than pvp”, “a casual platform which can be played in less than 15 minutes a day”
It probably will make money, though.