The Secret World Beta Weekend #3: Hell Raised

This weekend The Secret World will be hosting its third beta weekend titled “Hell Raised”. Starting this Friday, June 15th and continuing through the 18th, players will get to see more of the game than in the previous beta weekends. Players will be able to play Illuminati, Dragon, and Templars and will be able to sample the starter experiences in Seoul, London, and New York. If that isn’t enough for you, players will also be able to experience the dungeons “Hell Raised” and “The Polaris”.

Players who have pre-ordered the game are automatically granted access to this beta weekend and will also have early access to the full game on June 29th, a few days before its initial release on July 3rd.

Hell Raised starts on June 15th at 9am PDT (16:00 GMT/ noon EDT) and lasts until June 17th at 11:59pm PDT (Monday June 18th, 06:59/ 2:59 EDT).